November 19 is National ‘Have a Bad Day’ Day

By | November 19, 2023

We all have bad days from time-to-time, right?

We are pretty sure it is impossible to meet someone who has never had a bad day in their life!

Whether it was at school, last time you fell ill, or this morning when you work up on the wrong side of the bed; we are sure you are thinking about some of those bad days that you have had right now!

Well, Have A Bad Day Day encourages you to embrace these bad days and to stop worrying about the fact you are having a bad day, to begin with!

Have A Bad Day Day was originally created for those in the customer services industry, as we will discuss in more depth below. However, this does not mean you cannot apply Have A Bad Day Day to your own life!

After all, we all have days that are worse than others, so we can all take comfort in the fact that we can have a bad day together on this date.

Life is full of ups and downs; it is how you handle them that really matters, and that is what this date is all about.

There’s a job out there that ensures that you’re going to have a Bad Day, possibly dozens of times a day. What job is that? Anything in the customer service industry. If you’ve never worked in the customer service industry it’s important to understand that your soul is impeccably clean, and you’ve never truly known a day of suffering. We are all customers at some point in our lives, and unfortunately, that means that we all join the ranks of the truly walking dead. Retail customers, be afraid friends, be afraid. But Have a Bad Day Day gives our heroes in the customer service industry a chance to strike back…

This date was created by Ruth and Thomas Roy of They created the date for the purpose of giving people working in the sales and customer services industry to wish their customers to Have a Bad Day. After all, whenever you leave a store of finish speaking with a customer services agent, they probably wish you to have a good day, right?

Well, on this date, you can expect the opposite. It is a great opportunity to put a smile on people’s faces, as they won’t be expecting you to say such a thing. Plus, for those who are secretly tired of being nice all of the time, you have an opportunity to be impolite for the day and no one can say anything. However, we would advise you stick with just wishing people a bad day, rather than being rude in general…

Every agent has to end their spiel, no matter how rotten the customer was, with the phrase “Have a Nice Day!”, but on Have a Bad Day Day, they get a reprieve from this monotonous platitude and get to instead assail their customers with that most delightful of passive-aggressive phrases. “Have a Bad Day!” announced in the cheeriest tone they can manage, and then they revel in the confusion as their customers try to make out whether or not they’ve just been insulted. They’ll never know.