November 20 is Future Teachers of America Day

By | November 20, 2023

Even as children we knew there was great power in being a teacher.

Remember playing school and fighting over who was going to lead the group?

Future Teachers of America Day, celebrated annually on November 20, was made to celebrate just how great teachers are.

It’s sponsored by The Future Teachers of America, an organization that helps future educators prepare for the classroom and become a part of a professional community.

Through mentorship and teaching opportunities, they help teachers hone their skills and become wonderful educators. So won’t you celebrate with us?

If you know someone hoping to be a teacher, get them a gift certificate for office supplies! Any teacher will put that to good use in their studies or in their classroom. If you want to be more fun, get them a gift card to a local coffee or bagel place. The school day starts early, and this will encourage them to be their best!

Take today to write an encouraging note to the education department of a local college. Be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them taking on the awesome task of educating children and shaping tomorrow’s citizens. If you want to be a superstar, attach that same note to a box of doughnuts or a bag of candy and leave it in the student lounge. It will be just the encouragement our future teachers need!

Now, more than ever, we need young people to enter the field of education. Did you know that, according to recent polls, only 4.2% of college freshman enrolled in four year institutions in 2016 are majoring in education? This is why we love the future teachers who are gearing up to teach our children—they’re helping to fill this teacher shortage, and giving our kids some much-needed education.