December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities- What is YOUR Superpower?

By | December 3, 2023

What’s your superpower? If you take a moment to seriously consider this question, you’ll find that those physical, mental or social ‘disabilities’ you use as excuses to get through the day are actually the elements which give you your superpowers.

They say that when a person loses his sight, his hearing gets hyper-sensitive, and this is nature’s way of providing a chance for a more safe environment for that person. But if you sit in the corner and gnash your teeth, complaining about your loss of sight, blaming the world for your problems and becoming a victim, you are already destined for a craptastic life.

Now, I am not minimizing the impact of losing one’s sight- as a matter of fact, I can’t imagine many harder obstacles to overcome- the point is that we can always just give up, but is that what you really want to do?

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992.

It has been observed with varying degrees of success around the planet.

The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.

Unfortunately, along with promoting understanding of these conditions among the non-challenged population, we should be expecting nothing less that excellence from a person with disabilities- there just may be a different pathway to achieve these goals.

As a teacher, I have had students with physical, mental and emotional ‘handicaps’, but each of them was able to achieve great things by maximizing their abilities and minimizing the debilitating effect of their ‘disabilities’, and partially because I gave them no option.

It seems that everyone is encouraged these days to pick a reason for their failure, a reason to receive government assistance, a reason to be a victim, all of which ensures in a very major way that they will never achieve their dreams, but will settle for mediocrity.

If you have a challenge, there is someone, some business or some organization which will encourage you, enable you, cheer you on and help you to be the person you wish to be- you just have to work for it.

Have a great day. Look around. See that guy with no arms? That blind person? That person wrestling with autism, PTSD or bipolar syndrome? Still think you have a reason to complain?