Photography and Video Programs at Florida Panhandle Technical College Photography in Chipley Receive Donation on December 12, 2023

By | December 15, 2023

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the Photography and Television Production Programs at Florida Panhandle Technical College Photography in Chipley received a donation from local residents Steve and Debbie Healis of Sunny Hills.

Debbie Healis’ father, who was an avid photographer, recently passed and left behind a lot of older and outdated camera equipment, and Mrs. Healis contact Instructor Paul Goulding to inquire if his Photography programs would benefit from the donation.

‘This is older, analog equipment;’, said Goulding, ‘but it serves to allow students a glimpse at what preceded their newer, digital equipment, and will be well-used by the program, for it’s historic value’.

Goulding also recently announced the availability of several seats in the Digital Photography, Video Technology and Television Production Technology programs at the college, starting on January 3, 2024, and financial aid is available for qualified students willing to put in the effort to succeed. 850-638-1180 Extension 6317 or email