December 20 is ‘Dot Your I’s Day’

By | December 20, 2023

Dot Your I’s Day is on December 20 every year, but, just like you, we’re intrigued by this unique holiday.

We know the saying, “dot your i’s and cross your t’s.” Today’s when we up our game several notches higher.

There’s no evidence of how the day began or who started it. We can only imagine it was someone who did everything impeccably.

Is it a report you need? Flawless penmanship, guaranteed. Does the house need a thorough cleaning? Everything looks spotless and shining. That kind of excellence not only needs care but also a whole lot of love for the job. Are you up for the ride?

We don’t know who came up with Dot Your I’s Day. All we know is it’s always been an observance every December 20. As an extension of the saying “dot your i’s and cross your t’s,” we’re reminded that the best job is a thorough job. “Dot your i’s” was an idiom first used to admonish school children for shoddy handwriting. Remember when we first learned cursive? Most of us would first write all the letters without stopping to dot the i’s, j’s, or cross the t’s.

We came back and did that after writing the entire word. Sometimes, we would forget and turn in careless work. In 1849, an article by William Thackeray in “Scribner’s Magazine” first carried the expression. It was the earliest known evidence that the saying was used widely around the time. The phrase today is never used to admonish children. Instead, it’s become a metaphor for performing tasks carefully without missing any detail.

So, whether you’re tackling a big presentation or planning your meals — do everything impeccably today. Take your time. Focus. Approach each task with care and detail. But remember, it doesn’t need to be anxiety-inducing. Dotting your i’s is as much about staying present as it is about precision. Enjoy every activity. Immerse yourself in the moment without needing to rush things. Whether you choose to celebrate literally or metaphorically, you’ll soon discover a meditative quality to precision.