December 29 is National Chocolate Day

By | December 29, 2023

A food that encourages passion, many people would consider chocolate to be a gift to the world. Whether eaten in the form of a chocolate bar, enjoyed as a chocolate beverage or used to bake a variety of desserts, chocolate has a rich history and a bright future! 

Dating back more than 2000 years, chocolate seems to have originated in the Amazon where the cacao beans are made into a bitter-ish drink. Ancient Mayans and Olmecs of southern Mexico, as well as Aztecs were so enamored by the chocolate drink that some said that it must have come from the gods! Which is why it was likely used as a ceremonial drink at the time.

The name of the tree that produces the beans for making chocolate is Theobroma Cacao which, when translated, means “food of the gods”. It was named by taxonomist Carolus Linneaus who likely named it after the fact that Aztecs considered chocolate to have been something that was given by the gods.

By the time chocolate was discovered by Westerners in the New World and then made its way to Europe in the 1500s, it was something that was reserved for the wealthy and upper classes. It was not only enjoyed by them for taste reasons, but it had been discovered that the cocoa beans also had some health benefits!

Sugar was eventually added to the concoction and, as the product evolved over the next couple of centuries, it went from being only something that was made into a beverage but was developed into the eating chocolate that people enjoy today.

In the 19th century, along with the development of the industrial revolution, new processes came about that offered the opportunity to produce chocolate on a more regular basis. Of course, chocolate companies began cropping up in England, Europe and the United States. Fry & Sons created the world’s first chocolate bar in 1847.

Today, chocolate continues to be a huge industry, with cocoa beans grown in warm climates and exported to chocolate manufacturers all over the globe. Whether it’s the Hershey’s chocolate company in Pennsylvania, the Lindt company in Switzerland, or a smaller local chocolate company, it’s fun to enjoy access to this delicious treat.

Now it’s time to celebrate National Chocolate Day!