On December 31 Each Year, We Observe ‘Make Up Your Mind Day’

By | December 31, 2023

On December 31 every year, people across the United States observe Make Up Your Mind Day, deciding on some important resolutions for the coming year.

It is an important day to encourage people to review their goals, achievements, and progress, and then come up with better strategies to achieve them in the new year. By formally making a set of resolutions on this day, people are more likely to stay committed to them throughout the year.

Make Up Your Mind Day motivates people to make important life decisions and stand to it. As the holiday season approaches, we start planning out our resolutions for the coming year.

And Make Up Your Mind Day is a great way to decide which resolutions to keep and pursue in the new year. This day is also a great opportunity to think about those decisions that you have already made in your personal or professional life.

Changes at work and major family decisions can be quite difficult to make. People keep on exploring more options and are unable to make a final decision. As a tradition, Christians at the beginning of a new year used to reflect on their past mistakes and think about how to avoid them in the future.

In the 1700s, English cleric John Wesley founded the Covenant Renewal Service, which was held every year on New Year’s Eve.

People sang hymns and prayed instead of the traditional frolicking celebrations that were held during New Year’s Eve. This tradition is still followed by many Baptist and African American Protestant churches.

In recent times, instead of making any major spiritual promises to God, people make small life decisions on New Year’s Eve, to make positive changes in their overall personalities. In a recent research study, it was revealed that out of 45% of Americans that make resolutions, only 8% do not renege.

Nevertheless, Make Up Your Mind Day is still a great way to learn from your past decisions and become a better decision-maker and have fun while making some of the biggest life-changing decisions.