National Clean Off Your Desk Day Takes Place on January 8

By | January 8, 2024

National Clean Off Your Desk Day takes place on the second Monday of January each year. When was the last time you cleaned out your workspace? Did you know the average work desk can be 100 times filthier than a kitchen table? Nasty, right? But there’s more.

A work desk is probably 400 times less hygienic than an average toilet seat. Hygienic surroundings keep us free from all kinds of diseases. A clean workspace unclutters and inspires. And scientific research says tidy desks make you more efficient. So, take time today for some thorough decluttering and cleaning.

Remember, a messy desk is an invitation to chaos! A clean desk, on the other hand, helps you focus, be more productive, and generally makes you feel good about your workspace (as does a new laptop stand if you want to treat yourself). And when we say clean we don’t just mean physical clutter. That’s correct, your computer desktop counts too. Drag those files into a nice, neat folder!

The organized clean-enthusiast who started this celebration is Anne Moeller in Clio, Michigan. Celebrated on the second Monday of January, it is likely that this holiday is the result of the cluttered desktops pre and post the Christmas season and New Year. Who knows? The holiday may have stemmed from a New Year’s resolution!

It is essential to have a proper workspace for anyone to be productive. Your workstation is your work zone and, if it is not functional, it can impede creativity, the completion of tasks, and workflow. Think about it, don’t we all just hate it when we can’t find a pen or when an important document is buried under the clutter on our desks? It is proven again and again that a well-organized space boosts productivity and allows workers to better focus on work. It’s quite therapeutic, really. 

The word ‘desk’ was coined in the 14th century but only became widely used in the 18th century. Desks were mostly used by legal professionals and clergymen but, today, they are found almost everywhere. After the Industrial Revolution, work shifted from intense physical labor to desktops. Before computers became mainstream and most work went digital, drawers (a lot of them) were the way to go for organizing workspaces. After computers became the norm, unnecessary paperwork was gradually disposed of, but with the many USBs and plugins required for maintaining data digitally, we still end up with messy desks! 

Students and creative people such as artists, writers, makeup artists, etc., are among those with the messiest desks! Given how important it is to be focused and achieve our work goals, it is wise to spend some time cleaning and organizing our desks, rather than waste hours searching for missing items.

But here’s why we should do a thorough job of it today. The average work desk can be 400 times filthier than a toilet. As gross and dramatic as those statistics might be, they’re unfortunately true. Most germs thrive on computers and keyboards. Today’s a good day to give your laptop a thorough cleaning. 

What’s more, people who work in cluttered environments often suffer from unrecognized stress. Random items, documents, and scraps of paper can slowly pile up on our desks. They’re not just unappealing to look at but extremely stress-inducing. Cluttered desks are just plain inefficient. Where’s the notepad when I need it? I could’ve sworn that file was right here. It’s the stuff of nightmares, especially when you’re pressed for time. 

Modern lifestyles are synonymous with stress. The good news is that we can alleviate much of it through small actions. Working in clean and bright spaces has been proven to reduce stress. Tidy desks first thing each morning can instantly uplift moods. Want to take it one step further? Adorn your desk with indoor plants or seasonal flowers. Prop up a favorite piece of art or pictures of your loved ones. Clean, aesthetically pleasing desks can do wonders for motivation and productivity levels.