Chipley, Florida Garden Club Announces Sidney & Suzanne Johnson as January Yard of the Month

By | February 18, 2024

On behalf of the City of Chipley, Florida, the Chipley Garden Club is pleased to announce the January Yard of the Month for 2024 was awarded to Sidney & Suzanne Johnson at 1369 Forrest Avenue in Chipley.

The Johnson home is a new construction and our new residents are off to a great start with their landscaping.

This award is a recognition of adding beauty to the City of Chipley – sometimes it’s a beautifully kept lawn, sometimes a great clean-up job or refreshed landscaping, and sometimes it’s beds full of colorful flowers.

If you see a home or business that you would like to be considered for Yard of the Month, please contact Dorothy Odom at 850-638-0358.

Chipley Garden Club welcomes new members and visitors to club meetings at any time during the year.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 6 at 10AM at Falling Waters State Park. Want more information? Please call President Gweneth Collins at 850-260-4049.