Washington County, Florida Commissioner Tray Hawkins Announces Reelection Bid, Commits to Continue Serving Washington County

By | June 18, 2024

Washington County, Florida District 3 Commissioner Tray Hawkins recently announced his bid to seek reelection to that position.

Tray is married to Jessica, and they have two children, son Kayson John and daughter Kaylee Grace, and they attend The Valley in Vernon.

For over 20 years Hawkins has owned and operated John Hawkins Tel-Com, Inc., one of the largest employers in the southern part of the county with over 30 employees.

Hawkins fostered professional relationships, in Florida and throughout the Southeast United States, during his lengthy tenure as Chairman of the Washington County Commission, and the Vernon native says that experience, as well as his family, has helped develop character that will continue to serve Washington County residents well.

‘I come from an entrepreneurial heritage’, Hawkins says. “My father and grandfather owned and operated businesses, and I learned as a young man that hard work and dedication brings success, even in the worst economy’.

‘I believe that something worth doing is worth doing right, and since I was first elected as County Commissioner for District 3, I have worked to save the County money, increase efficiency and make Washington County a better place to live, work, play and worship’.

‘A man should be judged by how he handles his worst day’, says Hawkins.

Hurricane Michael and the COVID-19 pandemic were just a couple of the ‘worst days’ that Washington County has faced over the past decade, and Hawkins helped to lead Washington County through both of these disasters.

Hawkins initially served two terms on the Vernon, Florida City Council, working with that board to launch a $1.8 million water and sewer improvement and expansion project, which has helped Vernon to expand.

During his tenure, Hawkins has enabled over one million dollars of Recurring Funds to First Responders, and has worked to successfully fund and add an additional full-time ambulance in Washington County.

Hawkins worked on the process which has allowed the first paid firefighters in Washington County, all funded by the County, to augment the firefighters funded by the Safer Grant. Of importance in this case was the development of a plan that would allow funding these employees, even after the grant was exhausted.

‘I am very proud of working on the Insurance Consortium here in Washington County, allowing the County to self-insure and give superior health coverage to all County employees, while saving the tax payers over a million dollars since it’s inception’, says Hawkins. ‘In addition, we have been able, because of this and other savings, to award our employees a yearly pay raise’.

Most recently, Hawkins was instrumental in working with municipalities in Washington County to cover the ‘up-front’ costs for grants allowing the paving of Church Street in Vernon.

‘I believe that every citizen has the right to vote, with comfortable and convenient access to polling locations, and we have successfully been able to fund the second Early Voting Precinct in Vernon‘.

Hawkins, has multi-generational roots in Washington County, and has served the community outside his official capacity, coaching Vernon Little League teams since 1997 and active for the past 12 years in the Vernon High School Booster Club.

Hawkins says his goal as County Commissioner has been to work with all municipalities to upgrade and expand their utilities, help recruit business investment in Washington County, and streamline bulky regulations, also allowing development.

Hawkins stresses his positive relationships with county staff. ‘We need to build open and honest relationships so that county employees know they are appreciated’, says Hawkins. He has tirelessly promoted an open and transparent government, worked to improve communication, and has work with county road departments to ensure the most effective and cost-effective road maintenance.

‘I am running for reelection as Washington County Commissioner District 3’, says Hawkins, ‘but I will continue to serve the entire county, as I have since first elected, because I love Washington County’.

‘However, we deserve better than the status quo, and I believe that we need to keep pushing forward, and never sit on our laurels. I would appreciate your vote of confidence and your support’.