Holmes County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Arrests Desiree Fielding and Herschel Thomas for Methamphetamine on July 1, 2024

By | July 2, 2024
On July 1, 2024, investigators from the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office, along with the assistance of the Bonifay Police Department, successfully executed an undercover operation targeting methamphetamine trafficking in the area.
The operation took place at an undisclosed location in Bonifay, where undercover investigators were positioned to intercept drug transactions.
Desiree Fielding arrived at the location and purchased 17 grams of methamphetamine from an undercover. She was immediately taken into custody following the transaction.
Shortly after, Herschel Thomas arrived and purchased 24 grams of methamphetamine from the same location. Thomas was also promptly apprehended.
During a subsequent search, deputies found an additional small quantity of methamphetamine in his pocket.
Both Fielding and Thomas were arrested and have been charged with trafficking in methamphetamine and were transported to the Holmes County Jail.
“This operation is a testament to the effective collaboration between the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office and the Bonifay Police Department,” said Sheriff Tate.
“Our ongoing efforts to combat the distribution and sale of illegal narcotics are crucial in maintaining the safety and well-being of our community.”