July 21 is National Junk Food Day 

By | July 21, 2024

Have you ever wished for a day where you can eat absolutely anything you want? Well that day is today. National Junk Food Day is celebrated every year on July 21. Dedicated to the foods we like to snack on, this isn’t your average cheat day. Today, you can eat junk food for every meal. Popularized in the U.S in the 1950s, junk foods are usually, by definition, high in fats, sugars, salt, and calories. But they are also high in deliciousness! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On this day, you’re allowed your favorite junk foods without any guilt. So go ahead and add extra cheese on that burger and go for that order of fries. Today you’re allowed!


  1. Eat your favorite junk food

    This is the easiest and most fun way to participate in National Junk Food Day. Craving chips? Pie? French fries? Pick whatever your heart desires and chow down. Today those calories don’t count!

  2. Share your junk food on social media

    Junk Food Day is the perfect time to indulge — and brag about it at the same time. Take a picture of those chocolate bourbon cupcakes you had for lunch and Instagram it. Don’t forget to use hashtag #NationalJunkFoodDay

  3. Throw a junk food party

    The only thing that’s better than getting to eat junk food is getting to eat it with your friends. Invite some over for a junk food potluck party. No green leafy foods allowed, just everyone’s favorite cheesy, fatty, carby foods.