Jackson County, Florida Sheriff’s Office Arrests 19 Year Old Jairo Cinto for DUI 13 Times Legal Limit

By | September 18, 2024

On Sunday, Sept. 15, around 7:15 p.m., Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Deputies saw a vehicle driving at a low rate of speed and straddling the center line. The vehicle then began swerving between both lanes.

Deputies conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and identified the driver as Jairo Cinto. Deputies and Jackson County Dispatch were unable to locate a valid driver’s license for Cinto.

Cinto was arrested and taken to Jackson County Correctional Facility where he was asked to perform field sobriety exercises, and he agreed. However, he was unable to successfully perform them.

Cinto was then asked to submit a breath sample. Cinto’s first breath sample showed his breath alcohol content (BAC) to be 0.270, and his second sample showed his BAC to be 0.262.

Cinto is under the age of 21, and the legal limit for someone under 21 is 0.02. Meaning Cinto’s BAC was more than 13 times the legal limit.

Cinto was arrested and is being charged with Driving Under the Influence.