Chipley High School, Vernon High School Face Off for Playoffs

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Vernon, Florida High School head football coach Loren Tillman and Chipley, Florida head football coach Marcus Buchanan met in a face-off in Studio B, the production facility on the campus of Florida Panhandle Technical College in preparation for Friday night’s clash of the rival teams in season playoffs, as seen… Read More »

November 8 is Cook Something Bold Day

We celebrate Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day on November 8. Little is left to the imagination, and celebrations are held by cooking bold and pungent foods. Or, in other words, food that will knock your socks off! Any recipe with lots of spices, flavorful condiments, or fragrances can be considered bold. As for pungent,… Read More »

4,500 Operation Christmas Child Collection Sites Open for Samaritan’s Purse Project During National Collection Week, November 13-20, 2023

More than 4,500 locations will open to collect Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts for the Samaritan’s Purse project. Volunteers are preparing to collect shoebox gifts during National Collection Week, November 13-20, 2023. Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts—filled with school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys—to children worldwide since 1993. Anyone… Read More »

Notary Public Day is Celebrated on November 7 

Notary Public Day is celebrated on November 7 and was first observed in 1975 to recognize the service of notaries to national and international commerce. Do you know that the involvement of notaries brings legitimacy to an agreement? Yes, it does! Notaries are trusted public officials who perform several critical tasks like the signing of… Read More »

Chipley, Florida High School Boys Basketball Team to Visit ‘Studio B’ at Florida Panhandle Technical College on November 8, 2023

The Chipley, Florida High School Varsity Boys Tigers Basketball team, along with Coach Deion Kennedy, are scheduled for their annual visit to ‘Studio B’, the production facility on the campus of Florida Panhandle Technical College, on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, to shoot formal portraits and action images for promotional products, along with video segments for… Read More »