There’s No Escaping the ‘Social Influencer’, But Influencer Marketing is a Bubble That Is Getting Close to Bursting

There’s no escaping the self-professed ‘social influencer’. You can’t avoid the social influencer’s mindless Instagram reels, egocentric Facebook ramblings and cringy lifestyle postings, but you can be sure that their most-used words will be ‘me’ and ‘I’. Whether you love them or hate them, there’s no denying that their effort is to make you want… Read More »

Tropical Storm Emily Forms in Active Atlantic Ocean on August 20, 2023

A disturbance in the Atlantic strengthened into Tropical Storm Emily on Sunday and will remain away from land, according to the National Hurricane Center. The tropics woke up with some intensity this past week as the NHC is tracking five different disturbances in the Atlantic Basin, including now Tropical Storm Emily. Emily is about 1,000 miles west-northwest of… Read More »

Transgender Women Can Now ‘Chest-Feed’, Setting a Dangerous Precedent

The world is constantly changing, and so are the ways in which we understand gender and parenting. Recently, it was recognized that transgender women can now choose to ‘chest-feed’ their infants, which means they can breastfeed like biological women. This new possibility has sparked a debate among biological women who are worried that the trend… Read More »

Which Arm Gets the Jab (Covid-19 Booster) May Make a Difference

When you go to get your newly updated Covid-19 booster this fall, you might want to choose the arm the vaccine goes in carefully. The immune response may be stronger if your booster goes in the same arm as your last Covid-19 shot, according to a study published August 11 in the journal eBioMedicine. “The question… Read More »

Television Production Technology Students at Florida Panhandle Technical College Encounter Real-World Challenges in Demanding Program

Students in the Television Production Technology program at Florida Panhandle Technical College finished their first full week of school this week, in a total-immersion, deep dive into video and television production, filmmaking, cinematography, production planning, artificial intelligence, studio techniques, hardware and software, as seen in this video clip by FPTC student Cameron Taylor, a returning… Read More »

Washington County, Florida Emergency Management Advises Traffic Disruptions on State Roads in Washington and Holmes Counties

Drivers will encounter traffic disruptions on the following state roads in Washington and Holmes counties as crews perform construction and maintenance activities. Washington County: U.S. 90 Resurfacing from State Road (S.R.) 277 (Vernon Highway) to End of Four-Lane east of Chipley – Motorists may encounter intermittent lane closures Monday, Aug. 21 through Friday, Aug. 25 for sidewalk… Read More »