Editorial Comment by Kathy Foster ………

By | March 21, 2018

Washington County commissioners would like to engage the help of county property owners and residents in making our county a cleaner and healthier place to visit and live.


In an effort to meet this goal the commissioners have laid out a plan they hope will get some of the worst offenders to take some corrective action.


There are currently nine property owners in Washington County who are faced with fines and liens against their property because they have failed to keep their property up to the minimum county standards. (One of those dating back to 2001.)


If the magistrate hearing the case finds against the property owner that individual has 20 years to clean up the property.  (That certainly should give them plenty of time, but the fines keep going up.)


When fines are levied against the property owners those fines can range from $25.00 to $250.0 a day.


In a move to get Washington County cleaned up, the Washington County Board of County commissioners have set April 2nd – June 29th as an Amnesty period to get debris, clutter, trash off these properties.


If the property owners will step up and clean up their land,  the fines and liens against them will be forgiven.


If you know any of these individuals let them know they have an opportunity to help themselves and their county.