Ajuga can add a pop of color to your landscape ……..

By | May 16, 2018

This article is delivered courtesy f UF/IFAS Gardening solutions.  For more information please refer to http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/

Ajuga, sometimes called bugleweed, is a shade-loving ground cover from the mint family. 




'Chocolate Chip' ajuga

Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip’




It spreads rapidly, forming a dense mat of leaves that range from dark green to deep, bronze-like purples.


In the spring, different varieties produce attractive blue, pink, or even white flowers.


It does not tolerate heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for shady, moist areas under trees where turf will not grow.


Be careful to contain it with solid edging materials, however, as it can quickly invade lawn areas.