U.S. Term Limits Slams Decision Removing Amendment 8 ………………

By | August 21, 2018

Melbourne, Florida — Florida-based U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the nation’s oldest and largest pro-term limits group, today denounced the decision of Circuit Judge John Cooper to remove Amendment 8 from the Florida ballot.

“The decision on Amendment 8 is not a win for ‘local control,’” said USTL Executive Director Nick Tomboulides. “It’s a win for monopolist career politicians who serve for life while operating F-rated schools.”

U.S. Term Limits publicly supports Amendment 8 and believes it is up to voters, not judges in black robes, to decide whether to implement term limits, education reform and civics literacy.

“The League of Women Voters knew it had no chance to beat this at the ballot box, so it looked for a way to disenfranchise 13 million people,” Tomboulides added. “We fully support the effort to appeal this terrible decision and put voters back in charge.”

During the Constitutional Revision Commission debates on term limits for school board members, League of Women Voters activists used as their core argument the notion that voters should have broad power to decide their representation. Now, in an ironic twist, it has become the League working overtime to deny Floridians a choice.

According to polling data, term limits remains the most popular and bipartisan issue in the United States. A March survey conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 82 percent of Florida voters want term limits for school board members. In February, McLaughlin found that national support for term limits on Congress is also at 82 percent.

Term limits is the only mainstream issue with backing from both presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.