WCSO adds pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness …………….

By | October 5, 2018

Submitted by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office


(WASHINGTON COUNTY, FL; October 4) – A new addition to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office fleet is sporting a little pink, and the reason hits home.

For the third time, Corporal Sam Taylor’s mother has received news that she is in a fight with breast cancer. In the late 90’s, when Cpl. Taylor was just a child, his mother was first diagnosed claiming a long term victory. The battle began a second time when the cancer returned in 2012. This time the fight for a victory will be no different and family and friends are rallying behind her as she fights for a cure.

Cpl. Taylor received the patrol vehicle, stating “This is in honor of my mother, a true fighter, and every other family that is fighting for a cure.”

WCSO believes the addition of the pink will promote awareness for breast cancer and signify support for families, friends, and communities that have been impacted by this disease. The vehicle will remain on patrol year round.