Texas Educational Service Center raises money for rural schools impacted by Hurricane Michael

By | March 12, 2019

Released by Panhandle Area Educational Consortium —

Chipley, Florida- The Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC) received a $4,000.00 hurricane Michael donation from a sister educational service organization in the state of Texas. The Region 3 Educational Service Center (ESC3), comprised of 39 public school districts, made the presentation to the PAEC Board of Directors last week via a video conference call during the board’s regular monthly meeting. The ESC Region 3, located in Victoria, Texas, provides services to 39 school districts within an 11-county area in their region, which is south of Houston.

The PAEC Board of Directors accepted the donation on behalf of the consortium. The funds will be shared by those districts most impacted by the storm including Jackson, Calhoun, Liberty, Gulf and Franklin Counties.

PAEC Executive Director, John Selover said, “As many of the districts in Texas Region 3 were impacted by Hurricane Harvey, they know firsthand what rural districts go through from such an event. The donation is truly appreciated and heartfelt”.

ESC3, like PAEC, is one of the oldest regional educational service centers in the state of Texas, organized by state statute in 1967.