It’s time to clean your Bluebird Box …………….

By | February 2, 2021

Released by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources   …

Winter is the perfect time to clean your bluebird box(s). While bluebirds will usually build on top of old nests, this sometimes can be harmful to the birds by attracting diseases and parasites.

Nestlings can also become easy targets for predators when nests get higher and they are closer to the entrance hole. The best action is to clean out the old nest after each brood if possible, or at a minimum of once a year in late fall and winter.

Having an empty box will let the bluebirds know that the box is not being used.

To clean out your box, open the box and scrape out all nesting material. Consider wearing a dust mask to prevent exposure to airborne particles and avian diseases. Be cautious of potential insects that have taken up residence in your box including wasps. You may also want to spray out the inside of the box with a garden hose to remove any last debris. Leave the box open for several hours to let it completely dry out.

To learn more about bluebirds and how to attract them to your yard visit our watchable wildlife page.