April 27 is National Save the Frogs Day

By | April 27, 2024

Save the Frogs Day is an annual campaign to help raise awareness about the plight of frog species worldwide. This year, it takes place on April 27. It also encourages appreciation and a celebration of the amphibians’ role in keeping nature in balance. Frogs are in danger of being wiped out, so it is up to us to make sure that they continue to roam the Earth happily. Let’s use this day and spread much-needed awareness about this endangered species.

Save the Frogs Day was founded in 2009 by Dr. Kerry Kriger of the SAVE THE FROGS! organization. This holiday was created to promote education and conservation efforts for the little amphibians. Frogs have been a part of the Earth’s ecosystem since the Triassic period and are found all over the world. Not only do they play an important role in keeping the global ecosystem in check, but they are an unmistakable part of the atmosphere, as their croaks add to the ambiance of nature and in some areas, signal the beginning of springtime.

The little amphibians, of which there are over 5,000 species, are fans of insects such as mosquitos, as they gobble them up voraciously to help keep their numbers at bay, which also helps ensure the health and comfort of human life. However, like many animal species on this Earth, frogs are also endangered. According to Dr. Kriger, the main threats frogs face today are habitat destruction, disease, pollution, pesticides, and climate change, all of which threaten to accelerate their extinction worldwide. Up to 914 frog species are currently endangered, while up to 200 species have already been declared extinct since the 1970s.

Also, few regulations exist that prevent the transport of infected frogs, which can cause problems for unfamiliar environments and for those who use them as pets or food. During the holiday, the folks at SAVE THE FROGS!, as well as scientists in 58 countries, hold presentations and seminars at local schools, groups, and community centers to raise awareness of frog conservation, highlighting the threats they face and presenting ways on how to contribute to their conservation. Thus, Save the Frogs Day works to raise awareness about the dangers that frogs face in their own homes and highlight the consequences of a world without them.