May 6 is National Tourist Appreciation Day 

By | May 6, 2024

Notwithstanding the recent influx of tourists for the Sol Fest in Holmes County, Florida, tourists get a bad rap, which is a little funny, considering that anyone who’s done any traveling is likely guilty of being a tourist.

It can be frustrating as a local to see fair-weather fliers come and go, but the truth is, that many of our favorite local spots couldn’t sustain themselves on local traffic alone.

Tourists provide an essential boost to many local economies, and for that, we should be thankful. On May 6, let’s celebrate National Tourist Appreciation Day.


  1. Get some tourist garb

    With a little work, you could have your very own tourist “costume.” Not that it’ll be an everyday outfit, but when you decide to pack up and go, you’ll be surprised how much stress you’ll avoid by having bought it all already.

  2. Go somewhere new

    Get your inner-tourist on! National Tourism Day is the perfect excuse to book that trip you’ve been talking about for years. Grand Canyon? Do it!

  3. Make a list of dream destinations

    While some of the best trips can be spontaneous, there’s good reason for extensive planning, too. If hopping on a jet today just isn’t in the cards, start thinking about where you’d go right now if you could!