Florida Panhandle Technical College in Chipley, Florida Hosts 240 Local Middle School Students in STEM Activities March 12 through March 15, 2018

By | March 14, 2018

Over 200 local 6th grade students will get a first-hand look at some of the newest science and technology this week in Chipley, Florida, and perhaps even got some ideas about what career paths they’d like to pursue.

This week Florida Panhandle Technical College hosts a four-day STEM session, through a grant from Motorola, dealing with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, on Monday, March 12 through Thursday, March 15, and the educational event is slated to be a huge success.

6th Grade students from Vernon Middle School have experienced first-hand activities with airborne drones, 3D printing, green screen video production, rockets, electrical and electronic systems and underwater robots thus far this week, and over the next two days, students from Roulhac Middle School in Chipley will do the same.

Instructors from the Technical College have tailored programs over the four day program to illustrate real-world use of this cutting-edge technology to these students, while making the activities fun and exciting.

‘We are very excited to offer this opportunity to students.  Hands-on learning is one of the most effective methods of learning new concepts.  It brings learning to life before the student’s eyes’, states Lele Brock, FPTC Grants and Marketing Coordinator, and her sentiments are echoed by FPTC Director Martha Compton.

‘Northwest Florida job growth can be seen in STEM areas, from advanced manufacturing to the medical field to defense sector jobs’, says Compton.  ‘Florida Panhandle Technical College prepares students for these jobs or for continuing their studies toward a degree at other colleges or universities, and  I am so proud of the expert instructors at our college who contribute to this effort every day’.

This week’s program, titled ‘STEM at Work’, is designed to spark an early interest in students for STEM subject areas and careers.  Students will receive four full days of hands-on experience working side-by-side STEM industry experts to explore and solve real-world problems in a variety of STEM areas, including aviation science, electrical engineering, aeronautical engineering, robotics, and 3D design.

Students are learn about underwater remote-controlled robots, drones, rockets, circuit board and programming a computer and electrical systems through hands-on activities, and the program has been a hit with the students.

One highlight that veers form this path slightly is the program mentored by Paul Goulding, featuring audio and video production, use of the green screen and practical exercises in communication.

‘We have been practicing doing interviews’, said one student on Tuesday afternoon, ‘and we are expected to enact the role of the interviewee and the interviewer, and we are learning to communicate more effectively’.

Recently selected as one of the best colleges in Florida by BestColleges.com, the Florida Panhandle Technical College is providing college and career readiness training for all ages – high school students, high school graduates, and adults needing a new career opportunity or retraining.

This week is just another example of how Florida Panhandle Technical College is leading the region in cutting-edge technology education and, with over 35 degree and certification programs, is helping people to find real, well-paid jobs in the region.

A large thanks also goes to FPTC Director Martha Compton and all the FPTC staff, instructors and support personnel, without whom the event would not have been possible.

‘This is an opportunity to educate the students, but our instructors also come away with a fresh new perspective’, said Compton following the sessions.  ‘We want to thank our community partners, our school district and our staff for making this a very successful event’.

Florida Panhandle Technical College has enjoyed a strong dual-enrollment from local high schools, allowing graduating seniors to have a marketable job skill which they can use to help pay their way through a traditional four-year college, should they follow that career path.

For the second year in a row, Florida Panhandle Technical College has seen a significant increase in enrollment for the wide array of programs currently available on the downtown Chipley, Florida campus.


Contact Florida Panhandle Technical College Student Services at 757 Hoyt Street in Downtown Chipley, Florida, visit our website at www.FPTC.edu or give us a call at 850-638-1180 (Ext. 317) for more information.